Preamble to the 81st edition of Semak’an (August 10, 2024)
Starting from Mbah Nun’s article entitled “Not a War of Flags” on, Daur I 281 column. We find a snippet of Brakodin’s conversation with Junit that is important for us to truly understand: “What is going on is not a war of identity, not a war of symbols, not a war of infidel Muslims, not a war of differences in faith, not a war of ethnic inequality, not a bharatayudha SARA here.
All of that is just flags that strategically and psychologically are tools that can unite the Ummah. But actually this is about the robbery of property and dignity. It’s just that what can unite for now is religious self-esteem, regardless of whether the output is maturity or revenge, wisdom or hatred.”
Regardless of the momentum of the asbab of the writing was born, at least there is a nuance of the asbab that we hope will happen again which makes us aware that we are always in conflict with each other until we unite only if we have a common opponent. We are busy with conflicts between ourselves such as differences in fiqh perspectives, taking madzhab and tastes in interpretation references which should not cause the ummah of Muhammad to be divided. Non-substantive conflicts only make us fail to identify who is a friend and who is an enemy. In truth, the challenges we face together are not differences in banners between us.
Just like during a football match between villages, we can fight tooth and nail and even fight with opposing supporters. However, during a match between sub-districts, the neighboring villages that were previously rivals can sit side by side peacefully because they are fighting against another sub-district together. That is a picture of the dynamics that occur at the world level Money Expert 101 . Of course we can hope that with the miracle of Qudratulloh we will be shown again with the utmost awareness to know and understand who and exactly what we must fight together.
So the excitement of flags and pennants that we witness today is not just a match of excitement. But it is an expression of unity symbolized by the same two colors, brave because it is right to fight a common enemy, degradation of values, robbery of dignity and sovereignty of the nation. Hopefully.
Long live Indonesia. (Editorial Team)